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:) :) :) :) :) :)

I have finished my interview and site visit for my final project in my community rec class. I absolutely fell in love with this place. I want to start volunteering there as soon as possible. i think that the people are amazing. I felt so welcome after 5 seconds.

Bev, the executive director, and the person that I interviewed was so nice about everything. It was an amazing experience and I now wonder why I put it off for so long. God was telling me to stop being a sissy and just do it. I found out once again that God knows what is best for me far more than I do.

Oh I love when I remember that God has control of my life and I really won't go spinning out of control unless there is a darn good lesson involved--like slow the heck down on slippery roads--just for an example.

I am finally starting to fall into where I am supposed to be. My boyfriend is the most amazing man that I have ever met. He goes to bed way too early because then I can't call him in the middle of the night and harass him but he doesn't do that to me either so I guess we're even.

I'm so happy! I am very excited for the lock in tomorrow night--I'm going to have fun no matter how many people show up.
I think I might call people Saturday afternoon and say "hey where have you been all my life--I need you at a lock in tonight because I you are an amazing person" okay so maybe I won't say exactly that but I probably should call them and say--hey get your rear in gear and head my way.

Hope the world is right for everyone else as well! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it, I'm so excited!!


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