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Breathe more than you are breathing at the moment.

I have been not doing my homework all day---why is it that I cannot seem to get things done before they actually have to be completed. This means that i will have to take my homework with me to the youth group event. Blah... but it is no one's fault but my own. Maybe i'll be able to finish it tomorrow between classes at Central, cooking class, and spending time with Justin (who will probably go to bed early).

Hopefully I can get it done. I am at the coffee shop and I keep getting funny looks from people.

Ahhhh I can see the end though. I am doing the interview for my Recreation class this afternoon and so my final project for that class will be almost complete. i have an exam 25th.

Oh all the stuff that I need to get done in the next two-three weeks---coffee will be my best friend.

I need to be able to spend some time with Justin--we need to find a better way of communicating. He's most likely a lion and i'm an "everything but Lion" and this puts us at complete opposites. (Referencing an animal personality test from my Rec. class). Basically a lion is an in control leader and i am not that at all. I love him but our polar oppositism sometimes causes us to but heads. I need to be able to see him once in a while in order to get a good feel for how he is feeling and what I should be focusing on.

I missed a candle lit dinner because I hung out with Sam, Sherri, Stef, and Kelli. Not really because I hung out with them but rather because Kelli was several hours later than the rest of us and I pretty much needed to not hang out with them that day.
I love them but when they make me miss time with the love of my life, I tend to get crazy and cantankerous.


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