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Showing posts from November, 2008


Thanksgiving went well. I have so many wonderful things to be thankful for, I need to remember that more often. I think I am going to try to make it a point to consider the things that I am thankful for more often. I don't think that I would be in such a bad mood all the time if that were the case. I'm mostly thankful for that guy! So i really don't know what happened with the font and such there--so I'm just going to leave it as is. i love my family--no matter how nuts they make me!

:) :) :) :) :) :)

I have finished my interview and site visit for my final project in my community rec class. I absolutely fell in love with this place. I want to start volunteering there as soon as possible. i think that the people are amazing. I felt so welcome after 5 seconds. Bev, the executive director, and the person that I interviewed was so nice about everything. It was an amazing experience and I now wonder why I put it off for so long. God was telling me to stop being a sissy and just do it. I found out once again that God knows what is best for me far more than I do. Oh I love when I remember that God has control of my life and I really won't go spinning out of control unless there is a darn good lesson involved--like slow the heck down on slippery roads--just for an example. I am finally starting to fall into where I am supposed to be. My boyfriend is the most amazing man that I have ever met. He goes to bed way too early because then I can't call him in the middle of the ni

Breathe more than you are breathing at the moment.

I have been not doing my homework all day---why is it that I cannot seem to get things done before they actually have to be completed. This means that i will have to take my homework with me to the youth group event. Blah... but it is no one's fault but my own. Maybe i'll be able to finish it tomorrow between classes at Central, cooking class, and spending time with Justin (who will probably go to bed early). Hopefully I can get it done. I am at the coffee shop and I keep getting funny looks from people. Ahhhh I can see the end though. I am doing the interview for my Recreation class this afternoon and so my final project for that class will be almost complete. i have an exam 25th. Oh all the stuff that I need to get done in the next two-three weeks---coffee will be my best friend. I need to be able to spend some time with Justin--we need to find a better way of communicating. He's most likely a lion and i'm an "everything but Lion" and this puts us a

AHHHH Real Life Monsters--they are being tamed not to worry.

Yesterday was awesome while I was at church. I prayed for wisdom in order to keep my mouth shut when needed. It worked. Things are going well. I will hopefully receive the emailed list from Kathleen later this afternoon. I have an exam in an hour that I have not even considered studying for. I had stuff due at 8 am and I will have to turn it in later. I have not done the reading for any of my classes. I am super tired because I stayed up until all hours of the night playing Apples to Apples with Sam and Sherri. Lock in stuff seems to be going well and so does the Christmas play. AHHHH --School is trying to kill me. I'll probably have a quiz in Religion but i have other things to do so I cannot read my reading for class today.

Decidedly Undecided

This is the theme for my life.... I always decide that I am not going to be the one to decide. But in all honesty... I'm usually the one to give in to everyone else and decide anyway. I feel like life is going well but I'm just mildly depressed. I'm taking things WAY out of context and I'm just not feeling like I should. Sometimes I'm just so happy that I could not stand to be in the presence of someone who is not happy but that is usually before I head into class and guess what......everyone in my classes seem to be in the worst of moods when I'm feeling great. Oh I got a D+ on my Religion I didn't exactly fail it but I might as well have. Oh man am I hoping I am able to do better on the next one. I hope that won't make me fail the class.... I do not want to have to retake it so that it doesn't show up on my transcript. I wrote so much last night about feelings and such that I just don't know what to write on here. I felt like

Welcome to the Big World

Maybe that should say the big bad world. I have found recently that things do not always work out the way that you expect. I was not aware of a few complications with the youth group event that I'm heading up. Things have become more and more difficult but I just sent out the fliers, so there's no turning back now. I'm helping with the christmas play....I should help a little more with that. I've given all of the food for the youth group lock in to Stefani--she is in charge of all of it. I'm feeling like I'm doing it still but I think once we get through this one I won't have to hold her hand and she will know what is expected of her. i love her and I feel like she will do very well. I need to do two interviews within the next couple weeks.......AHHHHH! Not like job interviews but interviews for college. Thins that I need to get done. I signed up for my spring semester. I still need to get things done and live the rest of my life. I will be so happy

Vote Tomorrow

I hate facebook at the moment. I had a big long email typed and when I hit send there was an error so it erased the whole thing. I'm super busy, I have an exam friday. I'm planning an overnight at the church on Nov 22nd. i have stuff due all week. I have to vote tomorrow. I'm a little nervous. I have to find my voter's registration card. I'm going to help put on the Christmas play and I have finals coming up soon. Plus I have to sign up for spring semester classes which means that i need to meet with an academic adviser pretty soon. Well I'm actually excited about most of this and not stressed--so I think this is a good thing--or maybe my peace with all of this is actually a God thing...we'll have to wait and see.