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Conversations that are overheard--Appalling

i'm still in the coffeeshop and now I have just heard possibly the worst conversation ever. I just heard a guy telling a girl, "no guy ever wants sloppy seconds".

Newsflash---No guy under any circumstances should ever speak to a woman in this manner. And now he is talking about a girl who flirted with a guy and got a $5 tip--whoopy--please lets tell the entire world.

But back to my soap box. Never should someone of the male persuasion talk to someone of the female persuasion in this manner. It just is not right. I'm not a delicate flower but I still need to be talk to gently. It is the man's job to have male friends that he can say certain things to and he needs to keep his language around a woman clean or at least keep the vulgarity to a minimum.

The next point is that women need to go back to being feminine. Dress up once in a while, try to look good when you are going to see the man of your life. Shower if you have one available right before you will see him so that you do not smell like work or school. Just consider the other person and be "considerate".


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