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I'm so super busy these days that I completely forgot to update anything. I just logged in to each account that I keep and had messages from several different people on each. It's good to feel loved sometimes.

Well an update on me: i finished spring semester with a 3.6 GPA and that was awesome--it still only raises my complete GPA to like a 2.7 but if I keep up the good work I might be able to graduate with a decent GPA. I was really excited about that. Before that I celebrated my 21st--no big deal but it was fun.

Now I am on to summer classes and I'm 1/3 of the way through already because they are only 3 weeks long. I'm excited for them to be over but I'm not excited to go back to work. I'll be going to Big Ticket again this year with Justin and maybe others but they haven't told us yet.

i will be a counselor at camp like I am every year but I'm totally getting too old for it and I'm pretty much ready for a new kind of challenge. I love being a counselor but it makes me feel like I've been stuck in a rut since like middle school (doing the same thing).

Anyway--life is going on all around me and this is exciting for today!


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