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I feel like the world is simply giving up on bettering itself. I want to see things get better but I also am intelligent enough to realize that things are going to get worse before they get better.

I had lunch with a great Christian friend today who's views on society are very similar to mine. We look at life from a very similar background and I feel like we are meant to be good friends. Family is important for both of us.

We were talking about life after college and the prospect is scary because of how unstable the world is and we don't know what will be there for us when we finally do decide what we want to do with our lives. Shouldn't someone be teaching our generation how it is that we are supposed to be making these decisions? I feel like no one ever taught me the proper way to go about making an important life decision. My family and church members have always told me to pray to God about it but when do i know what answer he is giving me? Because I'm pretty good at fooling myself into thinking that what I want is probably what is best for me or what God wants me to be doing. This is not the correct way to make a decision because I've already made a few decisions like that and the results are not the results that I desired to find.

I think someone should teach a class on how to properly make a Christian decision and how to recognize some of the signs that God is the support for that decision. maybe that should be a lesson that should be taught at our church camp some day. I want to be able to be helpful to those teens and young people who come to the camp that I will run and I think this is one way that will definitely work out.

Girls: someone should teach us the basics to being a lady...not necessarily like catilian style but someone should teach basic manners classes and classes that help women realize how to be a successful woman in the world today.

Ah that's enough of my rambling... just a few ideas to think about


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