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Random Happenings

Nothing new happening. I was working on stuff for school. Reading and writing outlines for my essays--agh. I need a break from this--okay I haven't really even been diligent about it, I've been taking breaks frequently.

Tom Harmon was at church from Sunday night through last night and it was great but it just so happened that this week was Mom's early week so riding with her required me to be in Mt Pleasant at 7am. Again agh. Not fun. I got an 18 out of 20 on my quiz that I took at 7am though--that was good.

i had my first religion exam and I was convinced that I failed it because I did not feel confident about the outcome at all. I ended up with a B (not a b- or a b+ but a b). I was ready to get up right then and there and do heel clicks. I'm going to try to study a little earlier this time though. Hopefully writing note cards all along but I haven't written them so far because I'm busy with stuff in my other classes.

Our group project objectives are changing for Soc class but we aren't sure what they are getting changed to yet because that is something that we have to discuss as a class tomorrow at 8am.

Anthropology is going pretty well, I have my first exam on Monday and tomorrow is the study session for class (Review would probably be a better term).

Justin is working 50+ hours a week--let me just tell you that I am not impressed with the current schedule and he is killing himself because he is so tired. Oh how I wish they would just tell him what shift he is going to be working.

Youth group is supposed to start again soon but I'm not sure how I am going to find the time to spend on that as well because everything else is taking up so much time this semester.

I'm going to His House tonight with Courtney and I told Elizabeth from ANT that if i liked it that we could go together next week.

i'm kind of hungry. I had left over chinese for breakfast and I haven't had lunch yet. I should probably head home and get something to eat.

Oh for the love of Pete... not sure where that came from.

Sam had an interview yesterday to be an admissions counselor at Calvin College. She'll be down there for the rest of the weekend as well because Jen is coming up from Illinois this weekend. Ironically it's actually Calvin's Homecoming this weekend--they didn't realize this until after they made these plans--lol-they are silly.

on to better tasks than just posting random happenings


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