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Well since the the first of August I've gone camping and been super busy at work. I only work 15 hours a week in the summer but those hours are filled with everything from scanning to copying to cooking food and basically it's been a hectic two weeks and it isn't going to slow down until well into fall semester. I'll be full-time for the fall.

Justin has great news: He got a call yesterday from Brown Machine, he has a job. I was just praying that he would hear from them -- I had pretty much lost hope that he was getting a job there. I'm so excited for him. I don't know what this will bring for the future for him/us but I'm hoping for good things. I don't know what shift he's going to be working and how many days a week but it will be a more regular shift than McDonald's. He will have benefits and a 401K. These are both very exciting.

Kelli is back in the States with us, she had a wonderful time in Ireland.

Sam is still waiting to fly down for an interview in Houston.

Dad is still off work and goes back in for a doctor's appointment later this month (I think).

Grandpa is doing well, adjusting to being an amputee.

Grandma doesn't seem to be adjusting to it as well but she's doing okay. She's having a difficult time living at Aunt Mary's and I can see why.

Ricky and Rochelle are moving to Maryland (Baltimore, I think)

Cory-well I haven't heard anything about him lately.

Andrew seems to be growing up to be a wonderful man who is willing to help anyone.

Mom is getting back to work after our family reunion so she's probably swamped right now too.

Well all is going well with most of the people in my life. I'll update more later but for now I have to head back into work and get some more things done.

Thoughts and Prayers,


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