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Showing posts from August, 2008


Basically, I started classes this week. I've gone to all of them and I will be finishing the second time around for each class today. I'm excited for what the future holds. I need to get back into the swing of things around campus though because I haven't been doing anything all summer. I dealt with all kinds of issues with my financial aid and my student status and all of the lovely details that come with starting back to school each fall. Everything is taken care of now but I don't qualify for Work study so now I'm just a general worker--which is fine for now but might not work for next semester or the summer. I haven't talked to work about that yet because I can cross that bridge when I come to it. I just found out that another friend is getting married, I'm excited for all the friends that are getting hitched--I'm hitting that age where I have to attend weddings or at least send my love if I can't make it. I don't remember if I said any

Moving Forward

Basically nothing has changed since the last post. Ana contacted me which hasn't happened in a long time, I emailed her back. I went shopping with Justin for the things that he was going to need for the new job. I feel like I'm being left behind where that is concerned but I just need to start school and get things going in my life again so I don't feel like I have so much time on my hands. Justin is borrowing my laptop and I didn't think I would miss it at all but I kind of do. Well he gets it until the 24th because that is when he is doing his sermon. I haven't been able to spend any real time with him since he found out he got the job, not for lack of trying but he's been really busy. Things will get better though because he will have a good schedule again. I'm actually kind of excited to be in school again and I want to do well this semester. I will be all by myself but I have realized that half of the people that are in college are in the same boat


Well since the the first of August I've gone camping and been super busy at work. I only work 15 hours a week in the summer but those hours are filled with everything from scanning to copying to cooking food and basically it's been a hectic two weeks and it isn't going to slow down until well into fall semester. I'll be full-time for the fall. Justin has great news: He got a call yesterday from Brown Machine, he has a job. I was just praying that he would hear from them -- I had pretty much lost hope that he was getting a job there. I'm so excited for him. I don't know what this will bring for the future for him/us but I'm hoping for good things. I don't know what shift he's going to be working and how many days a week but it will be a more regular shift than McDonald's. He will have benefits and a 401K. These are both very exciting. Kelli is back in the States with us, she had a wonderful time in Ireland. Sam is still waiting to fly

August beginning on a happy note

Well last night I cried before I left Justin's because everything seemed to be going in a direction that I was unsure about. I think without even really acknowledging it I finally gave those things over to God. Justin told me to body slam my cares on God because I can't stand if I try to handle them myself and that is what I was trying to do. Things will work themselves out if I only give them the chance. I had dinner with my family today and it was nice while we were there. Then when we left, Dad was driving and people pissed him off so he was in his normal driving mood which is not a nice thing to witness. Generally I trust male drivers more than females but when my Dad is in a bad mood, I would much rather walk a lot of miles than ride in the same tension filled car. I went rollerblading with Stefani today and I got a sunburn but next time i want my legs to actually get some sort of tan. My shoulders and face are the parts that got burnt today. It was an odd time to be