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Showing posts from March, 2014

Mind/Mouth Filter

Sometimes something just pops out of my mouth before my brain is able to filter the content in relation to the audience. Man sometimes the things that come out of my mouth should not have even been in my brain to begin with and that is the problem. How do you get rid of the things that have crept into your brain invited or not, once you finally realize that you have no need for them being there. I have a somewhat photographic memory but it tends to haunt me, I cannot seem to harness what things I can recall; unfortunately the items that seem to stay forever etched in my brain are usually the ones that I would like to leave forever and stop haunting me. It's not as though I lose sleep over these things or anything like that, they just come back to me at awkward times. I think it has the most to do with the fact that I need to forgive myself for seeing or doing or hearing those things and maybe that would help me forget these weird moments in my life.

Parental Excitement!

Okay so if you don't have a toddler this may not be the most exciting news but for anyone with children, you'll understand my excitement. Luke just went "peepee" on the potty for the first time ever! We aren't really trying to potty train at this point but he likes to sit on the potty when mommy does, I figure that's a good start to introduce him to potty training. And who would have guessed that we would have actually had success with him this soon. I will try to put him on the toilet more often now so he can learn but I'm pretty much letting him set the pace for this. We are working on letters, he does try to mimic what I say when I count to him, no sentences or anything like that yet but he does use some words.