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Showing posts from February, 2009

Encouragement Needed

I'm feeling like I should be doing something more with my life. I want to be a woman that people look up to for accomplishing my goals and being a Christ centered woman. I want to be beautiful on the inside and that would radiate to the outside. I want to be a loving wife and then eventually a mother (not too soon though). I want to be an encouraging person to others. I want to be able to tell people how God is working in my life and really believe every word that I am saying. I miss the times when I was so encouraged. Satan has a foothold in my life and I want to knock him out. He is able to tell me that I am not good enough or that I am failing. I go through both of these feelings on a daily basis and this isn't fair anymore. I want to be in charge of my own life and my own feelings and my own thoughts. I want to live for Christ because he has been such a huge part of my life. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of the youth around our church and a

I am greatful for HOPE

Feeling hopeful!!!! It's a great feeling to be full of hope for the future. hope is a just another word for anticipation or to desire something with reasonable confidence. my hope is that I will start changing my life. I have started with grades, as I am a college student and this is my life. Going into this semester i had a low 2.0 GPA. I am currently receiving A's in 3 out of 4 classes. They are not easy classes or difficult classes, I classify them as moderately time consuming. There are group projects which I have never been great at--but I'm looking at them with a new perspective. I will do well because I believe that I will do well and I am working hard so that I do well. Also my "secret" hope is that i will get engaged soon. I love Justin and everyone, that knows me very well, knows this fact. It is simply not a secret at all. I love him with all of my heart. He has been there for me when no one else has been. I can talk to him about anything--