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Showing posts from January, 2009


You may not believe me but yes.... it is snowing outside. This is Michigan though--no one would expect anything less. Man I hate snow--alas I will never escape it's grasp because I will not move south. I will move west but not south (not for any length of time that is). I was so hyper this morning. I had coffee it always does it to me. but now I'm a little tired. I however do not have class so maybe I'll take a nap. Then read my Psych chapter and go to psych of course. Oh the dilemma this poses


I'm almost starting my classes this semester. I have 35 minutes of freedom left. I'm so nervous. I don't know why i am always so nervous but it's the first day of classes and I really just want to run away. I think part of the reason I am so nervous is because I keep getting a doomsday report from every direction. Everyone thinks that everything is going down the tubes and we shouldn't have a good outlook on life but.... what if some of us would like to keep the little bit of hope that we have left. hope of a better life, hope that our dreams will come true, hope that I will have time to be able to get married and raise the family that I want so badly to have. I want to keep my hope--so all of you who no longer have hope--stop raining on my parade. i have hope that the future holds something better for all of us--so keep dreaming people and remember to forget the economy for a few minutes everyday and just simply remember your dreams! Thanks for letting me

Coffee Chaos

Back at my coffee shop just in time to start school again next week. I'm so not ready. I have to work on Thursday and i haven't been there in so long. I really do not want to go there. i feel like I should have a different job, i want a job that I actually enjoy--is that too much to ask. My friend Crystal Bower passed away Sunday night and i got the news Monday afternoon. I'm praying that her 5 year-old son Gaige is doing okay. Crystal did not have the best family life but I think Gaige's dad will take him in and love him like the rest of his family. i hope that my faith in him is not wasted. Sam and i searched for a bread store in Midland because we want really good heavy bread again like the stuff that she got from the Wealthy Street Bakery in Grand Rapids. Speaking of Sam, she wants to go visiting friends and dropping off gifts--I think that might call for a roadtrip.

New Year's Day

It's the new year already! I cannot believe how every year goes by so fast and so slow at the exact same time. I am sitting next to the man of my dreams. He's everything that I never thought i was allowed to have and everything that I finally admitted that I want. I love him more than words could ever express. I used to be intimidated by his family but now they are simply part of my family. We share things that I never thought I would with "his" family when the time came but like I said now they are "mine" too. I am going to plan a couple's dinner with his mom around Valentine's Day! He hates the holiday--he says it's from Hallmark but I think this will make it special for me anyway. Side note--he always participates for my sake anyway. i told you he was amazing--you didn't believe me-well now you should. Hope your new years resolutions are starting off on the right foot. My new years resolution is to exercise at least once a week (baby