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Showing posts from October, 2008

Happy Halloween

I am no longer irritated with that company because I think I will finally be able to download my decoder today. I have the email that says I can--all things point in a good direction. Basically I was facebook stalking today and realized that I need to start keeping up with people, I don't even know what half of the people from high school are up to these days. Oh for the reunions that will have to be my best friend in order to figure out what is going on in the lives of these people. Well anyway--that was random. I have class in 45 minutes and I should probably read what the assignment was but I'm not going to.


I'm so irritated. i hate spending money and not being able to instantly remedy the situation in which I find myself. So i found out that my laptop won't play DVD's who knew--I thought it would but apparently since I updated windows media player--it will no longer play DVD's--ef. Anyway, this leads to me saying that I just bought a DVD Decoder so that I could install it and play the DVD before 11pm so that I can watch it. Well I can't download it until they send me the stupid email and that is not happening. I am so angry because this is not happing in the sequence that I want. Oh how I wish I was not from a society of instant everything because then i wouldn't feel like I am being jipped when stuff takes longer. oh and I absolutely hate paying for internet--but I just paid 4 dollars for 2 hours of internet--which doesn't seem like a lot but a few blocks away there is free internet and if I looked hard enough, there is probably free internet closer than

Boring Class

oh being hyper yet being by yourself. I am in a room, a classroom to be exact, in which I know no one by name--i recognize a few faces but that is all. I want to be hyper, I feel hyper but I have to keep it all inside because all of these people will think I'm a loon. I honestly don't really care what they think but if I'm hyper I will also be unable to sit through this class and listen to this professor. Wow this is honestly the worst class I think I have ever had...not because it is difficult--no no--just because the lecture and movies are that boring. Anthropology--didn't realize that it was this not interesting--okay that is even a lie. I don't find the study of anthropology to be that boring but I do find the lectures about anthropology from this professor to be very difficult to pay attention through. Well I have 10 minutes left before class--so I guess I will end on that note!

Sickness--You shall die a mean and awful death

Okay I'm still sick and this is not cool. I'm skipping class this afternoon and Sam is coming to get me. Then I have to remember to go to Walmart and get some medication. Oh the joys of being sick. i need to get better. Well going to the Western game probably didn't help, or the making deliveries in the 20 below weather of this morning--okay clearly it was not 20 below--it was closer to like 40ish. Still feels cold after the 80 degree days of less than two weeks ago.

Guidelines for being less ill

So I've been battling a cold for about two weeks now. It decided last night to settle in my ears which for me always means bad news bears. So my guidelines for becoming healthy include: 1. Deciding I'm finally sick enough to go to the doctor 2. Taking time off class and work and going to the doctor 3. Fill prescription 4. Buy lots of other stuff while I wait for free prescription at Meijer. (GO MEIJER!!) 5. Come home and watch movies 6. Veg while Sam cooks lunch Sounds pretty good so far huh. 7. Check in with professors via email about missing class today (I missed an exam, making it up Monday morning) 8. Updating things online and looking stuff up for Justin 9. Taking a nap (which is what I said I was doing right now) 10. Wake up feeling better 11. Go to the football game and support Central Michigan University ( GO CHIPS!) {Okay so in my alter reality this will actually help me get better because I will be out doing something but in this reality it's going to be cold

New Beginnings as past failures fall away

Well I was looking through profiles on Myspace --the people I already know of course-- and I found some pretty interesting information. That information however is for me to know and anyone else to do their own myspace stalking to find out. Well Justin's mom had a talk with him the other day and I thought he was going to tell me something like, she isn't ready for him to be serious with anyone and she doesn't think it will last. However the real thing that she told him was that she thinks he should marry me quick fast and in a hurry. She thinks that this is the happiest he has ever been. The other factor is she knows that he would like to be married by our pastor, Jim. Jim was just diagnosed with a serious case of esophageal cancer, it's in the later stages. He is undergoing chemo therapy right now and we will see what is to come. Our church is praying for a miracle, I can't imagine our church and my life without Pastor Jim. Well there it is, I finally am co

Class time

So lets see. Well nothing too major is going on with me specifically. Pastor Jim is in Ohio or Illinois or someplace like that trying to get some answers as to what he can do about his cancer. Justin is still working lots of hours and will probably be working more hours (like mandatory 7s) when rifle season rolls around. I didn't hunt last year but I think I will try to hunt this year, prices for meat mean that I really should. Sam is still diligently seeking employment at any place possible and her unsuccessful job search is about the only thing keeping me from quitting my job right now. I'm sick from all of the weather changes--yes! I love you Michigan. Anyway hopefully this will not continue for long because I have the Central vs Western rivalry game to go to next weekend. I'm pretty excited for that. Going with Justin and Kyle but Tony and Brian are attending too just not sitting near us. Dad is back to work, I think he's doing pretty well. Mom's birthday is