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Showing posts from June, 2009


I found out earlier this week that I don't have a job for the summer so I am like every other unemployed person out there--filling out applications like a mad woman. If I didn't have to drive so far to see Justin, I might not even worry about having a job but he is unemployed too and trying not to spend too much money. So that means that our outings have to be pretty cheap. There are things that we could do for cheap, like go to the park, have a picnic, or go for a walk. i just don't know how to ask. i really am not motivated to do most of these things so I need someone who will help motivate me. Plus I need to lose some weight because I have gained back all the weight that I lost after high school and probably more. But this is the thing that I have found: Trying to be healthy and go on a diet is expensive because the foods that are good for you are not something that you can just pick up for $1 at McDonald's. Fast food is so convenient that I don't even ha...