It's amazing how little is going on in my life right now. I went to see Chelsea and Alicia's new house yesterday. They are renting a house less than 5 min from each of their parents but to each her own. They went to Tawas to go swimming today and Sam went with them. She hasn't heard from her interviewer yet but she has a phone interview one of these days soon. Things seem to be falling into place for her. I need to go talk to academic advising again about double minoring. Wow I'm random this morning. I can't wait till I get to go see Justin in a little bit when I get ready but he's at work anyway so I don't want to get over there too early. Prayer requests: My Pastor and a friend's grandfather have both recently been diagnosed with cancer.
As I get older, I realize that the wisdom doesn't always come with just age but experiences as well--don't be the one to hold yourself back!